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The FinFluencers project had promotional stand during youth festival organised in Thundzha Municipality in Bulgaria. Thundzha Municipality unites 44 villages around the city of Yambol, Bulgaria. The youth festival included young people from the rural areas and provided them opportunities for learning and physcial activities.The festival was visited by more than 350 young people.
Following the skills assessment framework during the project research phase, the project partnership continued with developing a training methodology, determining the scope of the upcoming training content, the structure of the training provision as responding to desired learning outcomes. The training methodology draws from the findings of the research phase of the project as carried out in Bulgaria, Greece, The Republic of North Macedonia, and Portugal, as well as the indicative approach of learning topics as set out at the project proposal stage.
The project completed its research phase which aimed to carry out a comprehensive skills assessment and gap analysis among the primary target groups of the project - young people aged up to 29 years, but also consolidating the opinion of project stakeholders such as financial and professional consultants, teachers, trainers. The research was done in Bulgaria, Greece, The Republic of North Macedonia and Portugal, utilizing different tools such as country analysis, online survey, focus groups, and qualitative interviews. The different phases of the research involved approximately 349 participants of the different target groups in the participating countries.