Online training for
young financial influencers
Online training for
young financial influencers

There is a direct positive relationship between financial literacy and well-being.
How do you know if your financial literacy is at a satisfactory level, which will allow you to make adequate decisions related to your finances? Do you need additional information and training? Which are the skills that you shall work on?
We can help you connect the dots!
An age-appropriate approach
The first financial knowledge necessary to become independent and self-sufficient has essential consequences in terms of how prepared young people are to break out on their own. Low understanding on topics such as personal saving, investment, bank issues, housing loans, and mortgages, income tax, insurance needs, etc., may have a negative impact on financial behaviours and attitudes regarding rational buying, consumer awareness issues, educational/professional career, etc.
To better help the young to apply strategies for their economic well-being, there must be in place age-appropriate approaches and tools, designed and delivered to this particular target demographic group and their sociocultural profile, looking into the development of financial literacy as an essential for long-term financial well-being, that is, as a key life skill.
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Six organizations in five countries
Our objective, youth’s financial literacy
Events around
the world
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Six organizations in six countries
Our objective, youth’s financial literacy
Events around
the world